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Anchor 'D' Type Joining Shackle
The industries choice for unmatched performance. We specialise in providing a wide range of high-strength steel components designed for various applications.

Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Perth Australia
Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Perth Australia

Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Galvanised Perth Australia
Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Perth Australia

Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Perth Australia
Anchor Joining D Type Shackle Perth Australia
The Anchor Joining Shackle, commonly known as the end shackle is generally used to connect the crown shackle of the anchor to the swivel forerunner of the chain.
The pin of the anchor shackle is made of an oval cross-section and is fixed in unloading with a positioning pin which provided added strength to the shackle.
Jeyco holds stock of Lloyds certified anchor joining shackles. Other third-party classification are available upon request.
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