Fibre Rope Soft Shackles
Eliminate the use of steel hardware with synthetic solutions to provide a light weight & safer alternative. Custom assemblies tailored to meet any requirement.

Custom Synthetic Fibre Rope Soft Shackle

Custom Synthetic Fibre Rope Soft Shackle

Jeyco’s synthetic soft shackles remove the need for hazardous, heavy, labour intensive steel connecting hardware from towing systems.
Our synthetic soft shackles are manufactured in-house using HMPE (high modulus polyethylene) and can be customised the meet any MBL or length requirement.
Our fibre rope soft shackles come with a polyester chafe guard as standard and can be supplied with a HMPE chafe guard as a more durable alternative if preferred. Our soft shackles can be supplied with an optional safety loop in the knot to secure the shackle.
Synthetic soft shackles are lighter and easier to handle making them safer and faster to use in the field over traditional steel shackles and eliminates potential projectiles from towing systems.
Soft shackles are an effective way of connecting rope without the need for splicing or on-site rope technicians.
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