Specific gravity:
Melting Point
Elongation at Break
Critical Temperature
Plasma LoCo 12x12 retains all the features & benefits of standard Plasma ropes with the added characteristic of reduced coefficient of friction to reduce internal heat build-up and abrasion associated with constant tension-tension fatigue and relative movement between the rope and fixed surfaces.
The 12x12 construction addresses the most critical properties of the fibres to provide a very high strength translation efficiency for larger ropes. This design allows for long lay lengths, making rope that is more flexible for bending applications, easy to inspect, and can be quickly spliced using Jeyco’s recommended splicing techniques for low co-efficient of friction ropes.
Plasma rope has the added advantage of DNV and ABS class type approval throughout its range
Nominal Diamater (mm) | Approximate Weight (Kg/100m) | Spliced MBL (Te) | Unspliced MBL (Te) |
40 | 98 | 132 | 147 |
44 | 117 | 142 | 158 |
48 | 136 | 161 | 178 |
52 | 162 | 194 | 216 |
56 | 182 | 218 | 242 |
60 | 220 | 240 | 267 |
64 | 249 | 270 | 300 |
68 | 278 | 299 | 333 |
72 | 319 | 354 | 393 |
76 | 350 | 386 | 428 |
80 | 388 | 426 | 474 |
84 | 443 | 503 | 559 |
88 | 482 | 567 | 630 |
92 | 510 | 598 | 664 |
96 | 586 | 690 | 766 |
100 | 679 | 736 | 818 |
104 | 765 | 770 | 856 |
108 | 789 | 829 | 921 |
112 | 812 | 853 | 948 |
116 | 873 | 874 | 971 |
120 | 902 | 939 | 1043 |
124 | 978 | 1004 | 1115 |
128 | 1046 | 1069 | 1187 |
132 | 1114 | 1133 | 1259 |
136 | 1210 | 1198 | 1331 |
140 | 1296 | 1262 | 1403 |
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